Monday, August 20, 2007


There are things in life that never tend to mend. The more you try the more trapped and entangled they become! those things are best left unpressed, unattended.
But the point is can we ever trust them to the hands of destiny....

A blind turn
over the lanes anon:

The roads
of the faster slumbers
and the slower crumples...


flaming castle
memories in shambles
loud whispers
the silent blisters....

I stand upfront
refusing to take none...

and search
my road to mirth
that takes me to you
god if only it was same for you...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


A relationship never fails because of cirumstances it fails bcoz of the people in it. If the people are genuine it is just never lost...

A simple word
Thrown apart
Situations conspire
Relations broken aghast...

The memory game
‘I miss you’ lame
In every eye
Different memories yet so same...

The nerve shattering moving apart
The trifle near and mammoth far
Confused trust
Ahh ohh so challenging testing dust…

Bitter sweet memories aren’t far
A moment perfect the next bloody hard.
Yes the friendship is still intact
Naa it is broken in fact…

The new gong’s spell
Equations changed as hell
Fights forgotten
No words sweet or rotten…
Were the shouts Or is the present better

A few rains clot
Nothing changes
Neither you
Nor the havoc

Yet to the surprise you find
The same car, the same U
N phew that same
old welcoming smile

Naa no miracles bloom
The distances still glooms
Things once broken
Don’t mend so soon..

Who knows what might follow
‘You’ ‘we’ or the dangerous ‘I’
Common my friend the present is life…
Near or far
Together or apart
If people are genuine
Just remember
What you had is never lost
What you had is NEVER lost …